Board Meeting Notice

Houston El Norte POA, Inc.
Board Meeting Notice

When: Tuesday, November 14th at 6:00 pm
Address: 23938 FM 1485, New Caney, TX 77357

This is not the Annual Member/Owners Meeting. This board meeting will be open to the public but only a limited time allowed for guests to speak.

Agenda items:
1. Discuss and review financials
2. Discuss and take action regarding approval of board meeting minutes from September 14, 2017.
3. Discuss and take action on maintenance and repairs needed.
4. Discuss and take action regarding approval of expenditures
5. Discuss and take action regarding upcoming meetings and community events.

(The Board will hear from homeowners at the beginning of the meeting and answer questions. Board Meetings are open to Members. You may come to see what is discussed and how the Board Members vote; however, certain items may be discussed in closed/executive session.)